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You are viewing Cheat Codes for The Dukes Of Hazzard : Racing For Home System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-10-17 06:42:30 Views : 14249 Beating Black Jack: In Episode 7, Scenes 1, 2, and 3, you can go ahead of younger Black Jack, but not too far. You can beat him to where he needs to go (listen to Luke for when you need to turn). Fairgrounds shortcut: There is a shortcut in the fairgrounds on any two player mode. The shortcut is located towards the end of the lap. As soon as you start seeing the audience, there is a small road on the right with a road block. You can zigzag through the road block and use the ramps to jump over more of the road blocks along the shortcut. It leads to the start/finish line. The shortcut can also be used while racing the other cars. Extra power-ups: Collect a power-up, then leave that location and return. The power-up will reappear and may be collected again. Note: The maximum number of nitros that may be collected is five. Losing the police: When chased by the police, you can cut them off by hitting them on the back when they try to cut you off. Keep Luke hanging out of the window: When Luke is hanging out of the window, you will need to go drive slower, or he will go back inside the car. Likewise, if you hit anything hewill go back inside. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more The Dukes Of Hazzard : Racing For Home cheat codes.
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